Conquering a 100km Trail Race

Over the past 14 months, I have successfully completed six 100km ultra trail races. Each race presented its own unique challenges, and none of them were easy. Yet, looking back, I cherish fond memories of every single one. The journey—from preparation to training and racing—has enriched my life in ways I never expected.

I started this blog to document my path to conquering a 100km trail ultra. Now that I’ve achieved this goal, I’m uncertain whether I’ll continue to sign up for more races. Before I leave my 100km ultra days behind, I would like to share my thoughts on conquering this demanding trail distance.

Preparation – The Key to Success

Completing a 100km trail race isn’t just a test of physical endurance—it’s a challenge for the mind and spirit. While the distance and elevation gains may seem intimidating, the key to success lies in preparation. A well-thought of plan that includes structured training, proper nutrition, and mental fortitude can make the difference between crossing the finish line or pulling out prematurely.

Pacing – Understanding the Challenge

Running 100 kilometers across rugged terrain with thousands of meters of elevation gain is unlike any road race. Traditional marathons are primarily a test of physical stamina, but ultra-running demands much more. The distance alone requires careful pacing, while the elevation changes challenge your strength and balance. Add to that the mental aspect, and you’ve got an adventure that stretches far beyond the physical limits.

Ultra-trail running places significant stress on your body. The combination of prolonged running, hiking, and elevation changes leads to inevitable wear and tear. Injury prevention should be a key focus in your training plan, alongside building endurance. Instead of focusing solely on mileage, I would suggest that you incorporate strength training, mobility work, and recovery strategies to keep your body strong and resilient.

Master the art of pacing. Rushing in the early stages can lead to burnout long before the finish line. Learning to control your effort across varied terrain, especially during climbs and descents, is essential for success. I have learned this through experience. 

The other aspect of pacing which is also important involves nutrition and hydration. Do not neglect eating and drinking even though you don’t feel like it because they are critical to completing an ultra-trail race. You’ll be on your feet for 20 to 30 hours, so it is crucial to stay fuelled. Practice fuelling strategies during your training to determine what works best for your body—whether it’s energy gels, whole foods, or electrolyte-rich drinks.

Having a clear plan for refuelling at aid stations, along with understanding your hydration needs, will help you avoid energy crashes and dehydration, which can derail even the most experienced runners.

Perseverance – Having Mental Toughness 

Lastly, no matter how well you have trained physically, your mind will ultimately determine your success. Ultra-running is as much a mental battle as it is a physical one. Throughout the race, there will be moments when you question yourself—when your body aches, fatigue sets in, and the finish line feels impossibly far. You will experience doubts and despairs. Just remember that these low points are part of the journey.

This is where mental resilience comes into play. Embrace the discomfort, stay present, and remember why you started. It is often said that trail ultras are run with the mind, not the legs. Building mental toughness through visualisation, mindfulness, and focusing on small milestones during the race can help you push through when the going gets tough.

The Joy in the Struggle

Finally, remember that ultra-running is not just about the finish line; it is about the experience. The camaraderie, the stunning landscapes, and the challenge of pushing your limits will make it an unforgettable adventure. Accept that there will be highs and lows, but within those moments lies the true essence of ultra-running.

Prepare well, pace smart, and persevere through the race with the mindset of embracing the adventure. That’s where the real magic happens.

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